If you are eligible for a bulk billed appointment and wish to request a bulk billed appointment, please call/email the practice or click on the link below –

Request a Bulk Billed Appointment

Bulk Billing Policy for GP Services

You are eligible for a bulk billed Telehealth/Phone consult if you have a valid Medicare card, and one or more of the following circumstances apply to you–

  • You need an urgent after-hours telehealth consult during unsociable afterhours period – 11 pm through to 8 am weekdays, hours outside of 8 am and 12 noon Saturdays and all day
    Sundays and public holidays.
  • You need a consult to access mental health services.
  • You are homeless because you are going through an extreme form of poverty due to the inadequacy of income, health care supports and social supports.
  • The service is for a child under the age of 12 months.
  • You are a patient of a medical practitioner at an Aboriginal Medical Service or an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service.
  • You need a consult relating to blood borne viruses, sexual or reproductive health.
  • People isolating because of a COVID-related State or Territory public health order, or in COVID-19 quarantine because of a State or Territory public health order.
  • People affected by natural disaster, defined as living in a local government area declared a natural disaster by a State or Territory government.